Why Does WordPress Custom Theme Development Cost High?

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS on the web, installed on over 60 million websites. It's 10 years old and is eternal in the web world. With tens of thousands of plugins offering advanced features, the developer and designer community is happy to answer all your basic and technical questions. It's really people's CMS.

The question we always seem to receive is "Why do you charge so much money for a free CMS product? A nice WP theme is only $100 on ThemeForest."

I understand the confusion. WordPress CMS can be downloaded for free. You can run a 5-minute setup and install it yourself into the admin panel of most hosting sites. They even have free themes, and better themes are only $100. However, we are a web design company, not a WordPress theme development company. The price for a custom website is the same as the price for a custom WordPress website. The price never drops based on the CMS selected.

We are not a Theme Farm

Many companies and individuals spend time creating beautiful WP themes and selling them cheaply. why? They lower their entry criteria so they can earn money from downloads over time. If a small team creates a theme and sells it for $ 100 per pop, it will get 100 downloads and hit $ 10,000. I don't know how long it will take to reach that number. 

Great reward for investing time. However, because there are tens of thousands of themes to choose from, web design companies like us have clients who dream of websites created according to their clients' design preferences but spend thousands of dollars on themed websites. On sale. Which customers are happy that their competition is going to buy the same item that they paid more for?

Theme-Jacking has Limited Features

Jacking is a common requirement for budget-conscious business owners. Properly constructed WordPress themes are cheap and numerous, so theme extraction is the act of downloading a paid theme, using it to implement your own design, and radically modifying the theme and template. 

This is usually needed to be able to avoid paying for WordPress custom features such as parallax image controls and custom product page management features. This is not a bad idea. It's just a convention, and some elements of the theme don't reach the admin panel, so they don't generally save a lot of money, but they are encrypted. Once the new layout is implemented, there is no way to get the latest theme update or plugin options for the theme at the original top level.

This is because the update overwrites the template changes and restarts the default theme. Currently, the theme is offline from the theme update to the latest version. If the customer needs more custom coding in addition to the theme download, it's a bunch of some other code and developer notes along with which it takes time to understand and implement the companion code. takes. You will usually need to rewrite your code. Accidentally hacked to back up or avoid the original code.

Creating a child theme from an existing parent theme framework is different from theme extraction because the mainframe provides a lot of functionality and can update the parent theme. However, creating a good child theme is time-consuming and tends to be custom theme development.

The Plugin Parade Falls Short

Many customers ask why you can't use many plugins with a default theme. Most plugins work gracefully, but some are cumbersome or, depending on the design, require code to be added to the template files and disappear in the update. 

The plugin is provided by hiring WordPress developers around the world and a 5-star rating does not mean that the website will be blocked in the next update. Updating the kernel can break the plugin. The more plugins you use, the more errors your website will encounter. It is possible to make themes and plugins work in harmony, but any future updates will risk jeopardizing the Jenga tower, which requires reinstallation and debugging.

Custom Theme Coding

Custom creation of a children's theme or theme requires WordPress skills and good knowledge. Creating a WP theme adds two layers of complexity: scalability and controllability. As a CMS, a website should be able to grow to meet the needs of its users, be fully responsive from desktop to mobile, and at the same time provide the admin panel with the ability to change content, such as parallax images within a page. or simple content editing. 

There is. Custom layouts generally don't fit WordPress default theme controls and you'll have to write your own layout in WYSIWYG. Additional text input, page image controls, header image elements can be implemented through plugins and can be found through the WP community, but most business owners know how it works on your website. I don't want to, and I don't experience a lack of time to explore. Advanced features.

The reason custom Wordpress themes development cost more than free Wp themes is because designers and developers implement complex features in an easy-to-use admin panel, so site owners need to think about where and how to implement their changes. Because there is not. .. You don't have to install 7 plugins to meet your needs. Also, I wonder why there are 20 widgets that I don't need or use in a hacked theme. Custom theme coding is done to provide our users with high-quality custom websites with which they can proudly grow their business.

WordPress on the Cheap

If you want your WordPress website to be cheaper, buy a $ 100 theme or use one of the thousands of free themes floating on the Internet. If you are looking for a custom one with advanced features, it will be more expensive than you would like to spend. Grow your business with cheap themes and invest in better websites as it becomes more profitable. If the WP admin panel is too advanced or you need to change the colour of a child theme, our WordPress development company in India & USA can help you implement your purchased theme.


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